ISSN: 2222-6990
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Social media has become new platform for customer interact and get information about brand. The advance of the technology also indirectly changes the way companies share information about the new brand and communicate with the customers. However, the reaction from customer in social media also will be the risk to the companies in order to maintain brand reputation and sustain in the market. Due this issue, this study examines the relationship between brand love, brand identification, and brand trust on customer citizenship behaviour (CCB) as well as the mediating effect of brand trust in the relationship between brand love and brand identification on CCB. The quantitative study method was chosen for the data collection phase. The data collection process is accomplished using online surveys via Facebook and was use random sampling technique. All gathered data have been analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) 3. Survey among 361 OBC reveals that brand love, brand identification and brand trust play a vital role in influencing brand trust and CCB. Brand trust also mediates the relationship between brand love and brand identification on CCB. Implication and research suggestions are further highlighted for future studies.
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