ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In Malaysia, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) serves as a catalyst for efforts to produce a highly skilled workforce. The government has invested in various incentives with industry collaboration to provide TVET opportunities, specifically for the youth. However, there are some issues related to students dropping out of TVET programmes. The problem is that the government continues funding without realising that the enthusiasm for TVET programmes would gradually withdraw. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of TVET programme dropouts. The study sample consisted of 461 students from an industrial training institution managed by the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. This study employed a qualitative method with in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that the causes of student dropout from TVET programmes dominated by not being interested (38%), followed by job offers (25%), personal problems (16%), study offers (14%), and health issues (7%). The current TVET system is progressively losing relevance and does not meet the expectations of today's youth. The study proposes thorough scrutiny of TVET programmes to ensure they are relevant and cutting-edge. Furthermore, lecturers are encouraged to polish their teaching techniques to enhance students' comprehension and competency.
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