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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Crisis Management in Islamic Perspectives: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scholarly Trends

Jabar Mohammed Ziyad Al Mamari, Amer Abdulwahab Mahyoub Murshed, Raja Hisyamudin Bin Raja Sulong, Suhaili Bin Sarif, Mohd Rizal Bin Muwazir @ Mukhazir Asmuliadi Lubis, Sultan Saif Abdullah Al Mamari, Abdullah Hamad Abdullah Al Harthi, Mohammed Said Ali Eisaei

Open access

This bibliometric analysis examines the scholarly trends in Crisis Management from an Islamic perspective over the past two decades. Utilizing the Scopus database, the study identifies 295 relevant publications, which were then analyzed based on geographic distribution, institutional contributions, key authors, and prominent research themes. The findings highlight the dominance of Malaysia in research output, with significant contributions also coming from Tunisia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) emerges as a leading institution in this field. Key authors such as Hassan M. Kabir and Salina Hj Kassim have made substantial contributions, particularly in linking Islamic financial principles to crisis management. The analysis reveals that Islamic banks, financial crises, and the impact of COVID-19 are the most frequently studied themes, underscoring the importance of Islamic financial institutions in crisis scenarios. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the field and highlights areas for future research, particularly the need for a broader exploration of non-financial crises and interdisciplinary approaches. The findings suggest that Islamic principles offer valuable frameworks for crisis management that are relevant both in Muslim-majority and non-Muslim-majority contexts.

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Mamari, J. M. Z. Al, Murshed, A. A. M., Sulong, R. H. B. R., Sarif, S. Bin., Lubis, M. R. B. M. @ M. A., Mamari, S. S. A. Al, Harthi, A. H. A. Al, & Eisaei, M. S. A. (2024). Crisis Management in Islamic Perspectives: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scholarly Trends. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(9), 587–599.