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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Motivations and Intention to Sustain in Environmental Volunteering among Muslim Youth

Norshariani Abd Rahman

Open access

Youth will play a crucial role in preserving the environment in the future, as they have witnessed significant environmental destruction. Addressing climate change requires large-scale efforts, including volunteering. Environmental volunteering not only aids in conservation but also promotes personal well-being. However, dropouts in volunteerism among youth have been a significant issue for environmental organisations. As a result, this article discusses Muslim youth’s motivation and intention to sustain environmental volunteering participation. A questionnaire was created and distributed to 356 Malay Muslim environmental volunteers as respondents. Based on the findings, Muslim youth who participated in environmental volunteering were motivated by various factors, including personal needs, community responsibility, environmental concerns, and religious beliefs. Muslim youth also intended to commit and sacrifice time, energy, and money to sustain environmental volunteering. This study contributes to the academic literature about environmental volunteering. In conclusion, to engage Muslim youth in environmental volunteering, environmental organisations should consider the personal interests of Muslim youth. In addition, it is necessary to promote environmental volunteering awareness based on community ownership, environmental responsibility, and religious-based campaigns.

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