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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Sustainable Digital Business, Management and Entrepreneurship in Nigeria as an Integrated Dimension in the Post Pandemic Era

Amuzat Olawale, Rohini Devi

Open access

The rising digital wave during the Covid-19 pandemic ushered in a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs to expand their market. The adoption and usage of digital technologies was considered as one of the most promising transformations brought in by the Covid-19 pandemic and for successful adoption of these technologies, the issue of its sustainability needs to be addressed. This study, however, seeks to examine how digital business, management and entrepreneurship can be sustained in the post pandemic era. The dimensions of digital business, management and entrepreneurship commonly adopted by entrepreneurs were considered for this study. These were the internet of things and artificial intelligence. The study adopted a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. A total of 18 entrepreneurs responded and presented their views. A structured process of open, axial, and selective coding was adopted for thematic analysis. Results of the thematic analysis indicated an adoption of digital technologies by entrepreneurs. Addressing the issues of sustainability, it was concluded that technology be integrated into the revitalization strategy in the post-pandemic era to ensure business continuity. Also, entrepreneurs should think about how to choose automation tasks and the degree of automation of each task to ensure its sustainability. At the same time, consider how human intelligence can provide support in case of automation errors. Based on this, it was recommended that entrepreneurs who are yet to adopt the principles of digital technologies in promoting their products and services should implement it in their entrepreneurial activities to ensure productivity and growth.

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