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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of Brand Image and Brand Benefit on Customer Loyalty: The Case of Turkey

Yakup Durmaz, Sinan Cavusoglu, Ozlem Ozer

Open access

Purpose - This study aims to investigate the effect of brand image and brand benefit on customer loyalty.
Design/methodology/approach - Primary data collection method was used in the study. The survey method was used as the primary data collection. The questionnaire was easily applied to 286 consumer groups living in Bingöl through sampling to obtain the necessary data. The results were tested by correlation and regression analysis.
Findings - As a result of the tests, only the brand image seems to have an effect on customer loyalty (H1 hypothesis was supported). "Brand benefit, customer loyalty" and "brand image, brand benefit" did not affect (H2 and H3 hypotheses were not supported).
Research limitations/implications - It was thought that it would not be possible to reach the population because the research had limitations in terms of time, cost, accessibility and control difficulties. The study was conducted for the consumer group living in Bingöl. This limitation can be removed by expanding the population.
Originality/value - The hypothesis of "H1: Brand image affects customer loyalty in a significant and positive way" hypothesis was supported (P = 0.004) according to the results of correlation and regression analysis in this study which investigated the effect of brand image and brand benefit on customer loyalty. The other hypotheses were not supported (H2: P = 0,338; H3: P = 0.077): "H2: Brand benefit affects customer loyalty in a significant and positive way" and "H3: There is a significant and positive relationship between brand image and brand benefit."

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In-Text Citation: (Durmaz, Cavusoglu, & Ozer, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Durmaz, Y., Cavusoglu, S., & Ozer, O. (2018). The Effect of Brand Image and Brand Benefit on Customer Loyalty: The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 524–536.