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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Cultivating Remote Work Excellence: The Role of Work Environment, Work-Life Balance, Technology, and HR Policies in Central Malaysia’s Manufacturing Industry

Nadrul Shaqman Bin Nor Zainal, Ramila Devi Ram Sing, Nik Hasfizul Safuri Bin Hassan, Kumaran Kanapathipillai

Open access

This study investigates the impact of organizational and technological factors on the productivity of remote workers in the manufacturing industry in central Peninsular Malaysia. Remote work is becoming more common, and understanding how to keep productivity high is essential for these companies. Multiple manufacturing companies that employ remote workers were chosen and an online survey done to gather insights. The survey on 176 employees focused on several key areas: work environment, work-life balance, technology infrastructure, and human resource policies, and how these areas affect remote worker productivity. This research employed a purposive sampling method amongst managers and lower-level employees. This research found that having a solid technology infrastructure to have a significant positive relationship boosts the productivity of remote workers. Work environment, work life balance and human resource policies were also significant but to a lesser extent. This research highlights the unique dynamics within the manufacturing sector, which may differ from other industries where remote work is more prevalent. Thus, due to the significant influence of these factors on remote worker productivity within the manufacturing industry, organizations can focus more on investing in technology infrastructure, enhancing the work environment, promoting work-life balance, and reevaluating human resource policies to enhance remote worker productivity.

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