ISSN: 2225-8329
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Religious coping it is important aspect in personality, because supporting for meaningfulness of life and preventing from emptiness life. Every year, case of bullying and suicide happened in educational institution. Those case indicate meaningless life and religious less in personal student, mostly. However, those case not happened in Pondok Pesantren Barokatul Qur’an. Thus, this research aims to examine relationship of religious coping and meaning of life among hufaz student makes them have a more meaningful life and prevented to be meaningless personality and suicide person. In other hand, religious coping, and meaning of life among hufaz student in Pondok Pesantren at Malang it is scope for this research. A total of 291 participant completed a questionnaire packet. Methodological used is cross sectional method, technical sampling are used purposive sampling. Pearson correlational analysis used as measurement variables relationship. Hence, two instruments used, there is; Religious Coping Measurement Aflakseir & Coleman, and Meaning of Life Questionnaire. Those methodology, analysis, and instrument have chosen according with relevantion between research aims and research fields. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between religious coping strategies and meaning of life (r=.557, p<0.01). The current study provides evident support for the hypotheses that religious coping is correlated with meaning of life, significantly. Based on a Pearson correlational analysis. The research report here lays a strong foundation for further research exploring religious coping and meaning of life. As well as applying the literature on religion, and meaning life, to important psychological human problems.
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