ISSN: 2225-8329
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Motivation to transfer was found to be the most influential factor affecting most face-to-face training programs’ effectiveness; in which, some researchers found that motivation to transfer could also affect the online training effectiveness. However, research reporting online training characteristics affecting the motivation to transfer have received little attention, although this information is needed to design a better online training that could maximize trainees’ training motivation and effectiveness. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the significant characteristics of online training that could affect trainees’ motivation to transfer using a pre-experimental design among 88 participants who attended an online training program named the Occupational Health for Work from Home Program that was organized in Malaysia; the program is a collaboration program organized by the National University of Malaysia (UKM) and the National Institute of Malaysia (NIOSH). Findings indicated that several online training characteristics have significant effect on motivation to transfer including training relevant, followed by training reputation, and training design; in which, the online training characteristics have moderate effect size and explained 57.7% variance in the motivation to transfer. Additionally, several components of online training design are found to be significant factors affecting the motivation to transfer including the training objectives, followed by trainers’ knowledge, and training method; in which, these explained 51.7% variance in the motivation to transfer in online training. This has proven that online training characteristics also have an influential effect on motivation to transfer as consistently as in most face-to-face training programs. Findings are important as a proof for training providers to organize online training programs with the right training characteristics especially when the numbers of online training programs have increased nowadays.
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