ISSN: 2225-8329
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Employee job satisfaction is a crucial determinant of organisational success, influencing productivity, retention, and overall workplace morale. This study examines the effects of leadership styles, flexible working arrangements (FWAs), rewards, and organisational culture on job satisfaction among employees at selected commercial banks in Johor, Malaysia. An explanatory quantitative research design was utilised, and data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The sample included 400 employees across various job roles and levels. The results revealed that leadership styles, rewards, and organisational culture significantly influence job satisfaction, with rewards emerging as the most influential factor. FWAs, while still impactful, showed a weaker effect due to cultural and organisational barriers. Furthermore, organisational culture was found to moderate the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction, enhancing the effect of transformational leadership in more adaptive environments. The findings offer valuable insights into human resource management and organisational strategies, particularly within the competitive banking sector.
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