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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Attitude as a Catalyst: The Role of Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Self-Efficacy in Shaping Student Intentions to Use Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Zahir Osman

Open access

This study investigates the factors influencing students' intention to use artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education institutions, highlighting the critical role that perceptions of ease of use, self-efficacy, and perceived usefulness play in shaping these intentions. The study's primary aim is to explore how these constructs, alongside attitude as a mediator, impact the adoption of AI tools among students. A quantitative research design was employed, utilising a structured survey to collect data from 424 students across various institutions, resulting in 331 valid responses for analysis. Following data cleaning, 319 responses were deemed suitable for further study. The data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SmartPLS software, allowing for rigorous hypothesis testing. The results indicated significant positive relationships, demonstrating that self-efficacy and perceived usefulness are crucial predictors of students' intention to use AI, while perceived ease of use showed less direct impact. The study concludes with suggestions for future research, including longitudinal studies to understand the evolving influences on AI adoption and qualitative approaches to capture more profound insights into student experiences. Furthermore, it recommends that higher education institutions implement training programs to enhance self-efficacy and simplify user experiences with AI technologies. The implications of this study are significant for educators and administrators, as they underscore the necessity of creating supportive environments that facilitate AI adoption. By enhancing the identified constructs, institutions can effectively empower students to leverage AI, leading to improved academic outcomes and better preparation for the digital workforce. The findings contribute valuable insights into integrating AI into educational practices, advancing the discourse on technology adoption in higher education.

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