ISSN: 2225-8329
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These factors affect students' retention in open online flexible distance learning environments, focusing on performance feedback, lecturer quality, course design, and academic support services. Understanding retention is crucial as it impacts educational outcomes and institutional success. The study uses Self-Determination Theory as the theoretical basis to investigate how these elements, mediated by student satisfaction, influence retention. Data was gathered through a survey distributed to distance learning students, yielding 433 valid responses for analysis. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via Smartpls4 was used for data analysis due to its efficiency with complex multivariate data. Hypotheses testing showed that while performance feedback had a less significant direct effect, lecturer quality, course design, and academic support services substantially impacted student satisfaction and retention. Student satisfaction emerged as a critical mediator with the most significant effect on retention. The study suggests that future research should investigate integrating advanced technologies like AI to enhance feedback and engagement in distance learning. Comparative studies in diverse educational settings could deepen understanding of cultural influences on retention, while longitudinal studies might reveal the long-term effects of these strategies. The study's implications are significant for educators and policymakers, guiding efforts to enhance retention rates by improving lecturer quality, course design, and support services while focusing on student satisfaction.
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