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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

The Professional Reasoning – A Basis for Establishing the Signification Threshold

Ioana Iuliana Pop

Open access

The present study refers to the signification threshold, as a basic element which influences the development and the quality of the entire financial audit process. During the article it is underlined the fact that the way of determining the signification threshold inside the audit missions is based on the professional reasoning of the auditor, fact that determines the appearance of some significant differences both in choosing the benchmarks as a calculus basis and to the quantitative level of them. The study comprises reference to the International Standards of Audit which are applied in Romania starting 2009 and to the Technical Audit Norms who are applied in Spain starting 1991 and which are expected to be replaced in the near future. In the end of the article it is underlined the necessity of the appearance of some regulations which would guide more the auditors in framing the professional reasoning and establishing at least of some minimum limits, which will lead to establishing a more homogeneous signification threshold.