The workplace is where a variety of people meet to fulfil the needs of the organisation. The meeting of various people from many backgrounds can often cause communication failure. This hinders productivity and work efficiency. It can also cause detrimental injuries within the workplace by evoking anger, misinterpretations, cynicism, loss of trust and respect resulting in an unhealthy workplace atmosphere. Consequently, all these rippling effects distorts the progress and growth of a workplace which could negatively impact its founded visions and future achievements to ruins. Without us realizing, communication is the most minute yet key course of action that takes place in conveying information, resolving a conflict to achieve an agreement, and having mutual understanding among employees to establish high quality relationships in the workplace. Evidently, a successful organization may crumble due to factors that could have been early detected and avoided in their communication. Therefore, this pilot study aims to investigate factors that can hinder communication at the workplace. A total number of 148 participants responded to a survey which focused on contextual factors in terms of verbal and non-verbal communication, structural factors such as the environment, and behavioural factors such as personal barriers. The findings reveal that contextual, structural, and behavioural factors are potential hindrances to successful communication at the workplace of communicators who are unaware of their actions while interacting. Hence, employers should induce efforts to eliminate communication barriers at the workplace to allow information to be conveyed excellently. Besides that, employers need to provide a good work environment that facilitates effective communication. Employers should also take measures to allow employees to socialize to reduce the personal barriers among them.
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In-Text Citation: (Varma et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Varma, S. B., Abidin, N. S. Z., Amir, N., Sukimin, I. S., Nadri, H. N., & Rahmat, N. H. (2021). Workplace Communication Hindrances: The Contextual, Structural and Behavioural Factors. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1844–1855.
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