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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Work Motivation and Work Burnout

Noorie Haryaniee Moulton, Sharifah Faatihah Syed Mohd Fuzi, Nor Ezrine Yussoff, Nurliyana Mohd Shazali, Mohammad Bastyian Mahmud, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Open access

When working from home started, many were happy to work remotely. Slowly many began to accept this blessing of working online as stressful. Working online has made work burnout a new issue in managing employee’s emotional illness. It became a common issue to be discussed, and it can create a situation where the performance of employees might be affected and increase the level of depression among workers in the organisation. However, this phenomenon arose when the current situation required employees to work from home since the pandemic was hit the world. Similarly, academicians are getting overwhelmed with making work from home a success and online teaching and learning. This also affects the university employees as they need to work from home, and the teaching and learning are conducted through online learning. This study aims to explore work burnout among employees by using Herzberg's theory. 82 university staff responded to the instrument. The instrument is a survey with a 5 Likert scale. It has 4 sections; section A is the demographic profile, section B looks at items for personal related burnout, section B has items for work-related burnout, and section D has items for colleague related burnout. Generally, this study found that work demotivation can be caused by personal related burnout, work burnout and also colleague related burnout. Findings bear interesting implications for work-related burnout during the times of online learning and work from home.

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In-Text Citation: (Moulton et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Moulton, N. H., Fuzi, S. F. S. M., Yussoff, N. E., Shazali, N. M., Mahmud, M. B., & Rahmat, N. H. (2022). Exploring Work Motivation and Work Burnout. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 488 – 507.