Mobile payment usage has grown rapidly in recent years with the establishment of the contactless society and also the government’s agenda on Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). However, the performance of the mobile payment services needs to be examined to increase the usage and also the user’s satisfaction level towards the services offered by the mobile payment platform. The purpose of this study is to identify the criteria for the services offered by Sarawak Pay, a Fintech platform operated by the Sarawak government. Six aspects and 32 criteria were identified in this study. In addition, the importance and performance level of those criteria were evaluated using the fuzzy Importance-Performance Analysis (fuzzy IPA) to measure the current rankings of the aspects and criteria. A total of 105 valid responses from the Sarawak Pay’s users were collected in this study through purposive sampling method. The fuzzy IPA findings revealed that transaction is the most important aspect and security is the most important criteria to assess the performance of Sarawak Pay. Regarding the performance level, the trust aspect and the criteria for payment confirmation notice after payment are the attributes that have the highest performance for Sarawak Pay. Moreover, the aspect of customer relationship together with the criteria such as loading speed, loyalty programme or reward point collection, and variety of services was the aspect that is required to be highly concentrated for further improvement. It means that the Sarawak Pay’s operator should focus more on these aspects and criteria to get more satisfactory performance and encourage more people to adopt Sarawak Pay. This study provides the discussion on the managerial and practical implications and the suggestion for future study is also explained.
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In-Text Citation: (Ling et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ling, F., Michael, V., & Ling, P.-S. (2022). Assessing the Performance of Mobile Payment: A Study on Sarawak Pay Using Fuzzy Importance-Performance Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 226–242.
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