ISSN: 2222-6990
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The translation of the Quran has been an uneasy task to perform. The process of translating the Quran demands a level of precision and target-language skills so that the outcome of the translation can be fully benefited by the target audience. Imperative verbs in the Arabic language, for instance, have their own importance in terms of religious practice. Hence, it is sensible to conduct a comparative study to gauge the accuracy of the translation of the imperative verbs used in the Quran. This study aims to highlight the comparison between two (2) works of translation of the imperative verbs in Arabic, namely the Translation of Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman and the Translation of Tafsir FI Zilal al-Quran, and identify the level of accuracy of those imperative verbs which have been translated into the Malay language by the translators of the said interpretation manuscripts. To attain these objectives, two (2) research approaches have been employed, which are text analysis and field studies. The latter has been participated by ten (10) linguists who have examined the level of accuracy of the translations. The findings show that there are fifty-two (52) imperative verbs which have been correspondingly translated and seventy-five (75) verbs differently translated. Meanwhile, the results based on surveys denote that many respondents have agreed that the translation of the imperative verbs by Tafsir FI Zilal al-Quran has achieved a higher level of accuracy compared to that of Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman.
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In-Text Citation: (Nokman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nokman, A. Z., Sapar, A. A., Mat, A. C., Harun, N. S., Saad, M. L. I. H. M. (2022). Translation of Imperative Verbs in Chapter Al-Baqaratt: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1647 – 1672.
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