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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Concept of Sekolah Perjumpaan in Promoting Holistic Character Education

Sar'in ., Rahimah Embong, Nik Murshidah Nik Din, Normila Noruddin @ Che Ahmad

Open access

School is a place where children interact with other people, the possibility to be influenced or influence others is definitely there. Therefore, this article will discuss the implementation of Sekolah perjumpaan (Meeting School) must be applied in formal education to inculcate holistic personality of the students, because the values are closely related to the values practiced by character education such as: Pancasila, religious, honest, responsible, empathetic, commitment, and mutual respect for each other. Implementation of character values into practice in the sekolah perjumpaan, the approach of mental state (inner condition) and language (language) is used to shape the character of students. Furthermore, the school divides human relations into three parts (1) human relations with God (Trans-Subjective), (2) human relations with humans (Inter-Subjective), and (3) human relations with objects (Subjective). This type of relationship is universal and can be used in micro classes and macro classes. The student character is measured using both cognitive assessment and on Re-Cognitive assessment, namely assessment based on student commitment and behavior when interact with other people.

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In-Text Citation: (Sar’in et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sar’in, Embong, R., Hashim, H. A., Din, N. M. N., & Ahmad, N. N. @ C. (2022). The Concept of Sekolah Perjumpaan in Promoting Holistic Character Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 454–463.