ISSN: 2222-6990
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Malaysia's education system has taken action to implement Malaysia's Education Development Plan 2015-2025 in response to the needs of the latest economic and educational revolution. The plan emphasises critical thinking abilities and STEM knowledge as key factors. However, an assessment approach that does not contain both parts is one factor contributing to the plan's lack of accessibility. Bloom's taxonomy is presented as a technique for determining the level of difficulty of assessment in STEM disciplines. One of the statistics courses was chosen to represent STEM. An essential approach has been implemented, which includes a qualitative method. The quality of an assessment question can be determined using a document analysis technique that involves reviewing a collection of question items, as well as revising Bloom's guidelines, verbs, and taxonomy descriptions for the course.
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In-Text Citation: (Zulkifli & Abidin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zulkifli, F., & Abidin, R. Z. (2022). A Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Essential Approach to Constructing Assessment Questions for the Probability and Statistics Course. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 588–602.
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