ISSN: 2222-6990
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PDAM Tirta Daroy is 43 years old, it turns out that there are still many problems faced by PDAMs. Based on the initial observations made, the PDAM stated that there were many complaints from the public regarding the PDAM's performance. One of the complaints of the community lies in the water discharge. Water debit is oriented to the amount of water distributed to the community, starting from the quality of the water and the volume of water distributed. This research was conducted at PDAM Tirta Daroy, Banda Aceh City to the community/household that uses water from PDAM Tirta Daroy. The data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the field, direct interviews with respondents or through a list of questions (questionnaires) given to small business owners. Secondary data is data sourced from publications in various government agencies, including the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Aceh Province and other relevant agencies related to this research. The data analysis method used is the first to use the WTP value obtained from each respondent in the form of the maximum value of rupiah that respondents are willing to pay for water services, processed to obtain the average value (mean) of the WTP value. Second, a linear regression analysis tool, to test the theoretical truth of the effect of income, number of family members and volume of water needs on the ability of the community to pay water tariffs. The purpose of this study was to examine how much influence income, number of family members and volume of water needs have on the ability of the community to pay the drinking water tariff of PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh. Testing how much the community's ability to pay the drinking water tariff for PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh is. The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained directly from the field, direct interviews with respondents or through a list of questions (questionnaires). Secondary data is data sourced from publications in various government agencies, including the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Aceh Province. and other related institutions related to this research. The results showed that the average ability of the community to pay for Tirta Daroy Drinking Water in Banda Aceh City was between Rp. 60,000-69,999 per month. Per capita income, number of family members and volume of water needs both simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on the community's ability to pay the drinking water tariff of PDAM Tirta Daroy in Banda Aceh. Variations in the community's ability to pay drinking water tariffs for PDAM Tirta Daroy in Banda Aceh are influenced by variations in income per capita, number of family members and volume of water needs by 94.0 percent and the remaining 4 percent is influenced by other variables outside this research model. Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Daroy should no longer carry out the policy of increasing PDAM water tariffs for the next few years. The need for additional Water Treatment Plants (IPA) if PDAM will increase the number of customers until 2030. Further research is needed for planning the addition of Water Treatment Plants (IPA) in stages and planning for PDAM service development networks.
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In-Text Citation: (Murtala et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Murtala, Nailufar, F., & Andriani, D. (2022). Influence of Income, Number of Family Members and Volume of Water Requirement on Community Ability to Pay Pdam Tirta Daroy Water Rates in Banda Aceh City During The Covid 19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 630–642.
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