ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This article is a concept paper that discusses the teaching of the Quran towards children with learning difficulties, known as Down Syndrome. The ability to recite the Quran is important to children with Down Syndrome because the Quran can be a connection with Allah Almighty and therapy to them. The teaching process of children with disabilities is not an easy job. Various challenges need to be addressed as children with Down Syndrome have their own privileges and need instructors who are experts in dealing with these groups. Among the difficulties faced by children with Down Syndrome are learning difficulties, forgetfulness problems, speech and language disorders, hearing problems and poor communication. Therefore, teachers need to be prepared and competent to carry out the teaching of the Quran to children with Down Syndrome. This article also discusses aspects that need to be given attention in the process of teaching and learning the Quran towards children with Down Syndrome such as approaches that determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning i.e. teaching objectives, materials or resources, teaching methods, facilities and physical arrangement and assessment. The effectiveness of the Quranic teaching is highly dependent on the teacher’s ability to focus on these aspects and continue to achieve the goal of Quranic teaching.
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In-Text Citation: (Ishak et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ishak, H., Farqan, E., & Ismail, A. (2022). Issues and Challenges of Teaching The Quran to Children with Down Syndrome. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 157–171.
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