ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Mathematical modelling is a new topic introduced in the Malaysian mathematics form five syllabus. Therefore, it is important to explore teachers’ ability in teaching mathematical modelling to produce effective learning. The knowledge about teachers’ abilities can provide input on teachers' strengths and weaknesses in implementing interventions. The research aims to identify the mastery level of in-service teachers in mathematical modelling competencies. The survey research design was implemented using a 14-items mathematical modelling competency test. The combined sampling techniques consisting of cluster sampling, systematic sampling and simple random sampling were used to select respondents. 85 teachers who teach form three, form four or form five students from secondary schools in Selangor were selected. The data analysis process was carried out using SPSS 26.0 by performing descriptive analysis and inferential statistics. The mean scores were used to identify the mastery level, and the mean scores for five sub competencies were compared to determine the stage of the cycle process of mathematical modelling that the teachers mastered. The significant findings show that the secondary teachers had moderate mastery levels. The teachers were competent at the second stage of the mathematical modelling cycle process, which is formulating a mathematical model but lacked competence in the first stage, which is translating real-life models into mathematical models. Meanwhile, the one-way ANOVA result showed no difference between the mean scores of competency tests based on the form levels taught by mathematics teachers. This indicates that teachers have lack experience in solving mathematical modelling problems, so there is not much difference in their competency test scores Future research should identify teachers' mastery of other competencies, especially those involving problem-solving measures that can be implemented to explore in-depth the ability of teachers.
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In-Text Citation: (Yahya & Maat, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yahya, N. F., & Maat, S. M. (2022). Mathematical Modelling Competencies Mastery Among Secondary School Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 578– 597.
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