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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Elements in Estate and Palm Oil Mill that Affecting the Oil Extraction Rate (OER) and Kernel Extraction Rate (KER): A Case Study in Larut Matang Selama District in Perak

Ahmad Aiman Amir, Farahida Zulkefli, Mohd Nizar Khairuddin, Syahrizan Syahlan

Open access

OER and KER is a challenging substance to produce. This research is being conducted to identify the which factors are giving an affect towards OER (Oil Extract Rate) and KER (Kernel Extract Rate). This study had been conducted at Larut Matang Selama District of Perak. The data that being collected are OER, KER, rainfall record, oil losses, Free Fatty acid (FFA), loose fruit and Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) for 36 months. For Oil Extraction Rate (OER), the most dominant factor is FFA which affecting the oil quality with Beta value is -0.410. Meaning that, if the FFA increases by 1 percent, OER degrease by 0.41 percent. Meanwhile, overripe bunches have become the only elements that influencing the Kernel Extraction Rates (KER) with beta value is 0.439. Thorough of all the process between estate management and mill management, the problem to achieved high quality of OER and KER are come from the estate. The estate management must improvise harvesting ripeness standard by following the MPOB grading guideline. This is because of, some of ripeness category are not even giving any increment towards OER and KER performance. Despite the above limitations, we believe that this study provides a contribution to the literature. In addition, the results of the study will provide a better understanding on the importance of controlling and monitoring the qualities of the FFB especially at the field. Nevertheless, the mill also shall play a huge role by making a more stringent action for those sending a low quality of fruit in their mill.

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In-Text Citation: (Amir et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Amir, A. A., Zulkefli, F., Khairuddin, M. N., & Syahlan, S. (2022). Elements in Estate and Palm Oil Mill that Affecting the Oil Extraction Rate (OER) and Kernel Extraction Rate (KER): A Case Study in Larut Matang Selama District in Perak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 418–429.