ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Oil palm industry already in Malaysia for almost 105 years since 1917. However the FFB yield and OER performance still below that the national target that is 35:25 (FFB yield: OER).This research is intended to examine the nature of the relationship between FFB yield, OER and the elements involve (types and rates of fertilizer, rainfall, wind speed and temperature). As well as to discover the most powerful factor in influencing the FFB and OER performance. All the secondary data have been collected from oil palm estate in Merlimau Jasin District. Analysis that being used are descriptive and inferential analysis (Pearson correlation and regression). The study reveal FFB yield has a positive relationship with Bio-Organik Fertlizer BOF (r=0.819) and Bulk Blending fertilizer BBF (r=0.631). In contra, the OER has a negative relationship with the rainfall(r=-0.335), meaning that, the higher rainfall occur, the lower quality OER will be produce. Not like BOF and BBF, only wind speed from weather parameters gives a large adverse effect by reducing the FFB productivity, it is a different result compared to the previous study in 2021 by Ahmed Abu Bakar et al. The author mentions all the weathers element were not influencing the FFB yield. For OER, it is a new finding because three (rainfall, temperature, and wind speed) out of four from weather parameters give a negative impact.
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In-Text Citation: (Syahlan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Syahlan, S., Saili, A. R., & Zulkefli, F. (2022). Modelling The Effects of Weather Parameters and Types of Fertilizer on Oil Palm’s Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) Productivity and Oil Qualities in Malaysia: Case Study of Merlimau Jasin Melaka. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 1060 – 1068.
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