ISSN: 2222-6990
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Language register refers to the use of a form of language in a specific context and academic language register is the use of language in a scientific or academic discipline. Meanwhile, the academic language function (ALF) is a function of language that should be used by students or researchers in writing academic content. This study aims to analyze the language register used by researchers in presenting the function of academic language in Arabic language research articles. In this study, six research articles associated with the Arabic language that were published in the journal of ‘Al Majallah Al-Urduniyyah Fi Al-Ulum Al-Tarbawiyyah’, Jordan, were analyzed for its language registers which contain ALFs. The academic language register was analyzed by adopting Ure and Ellis’s (1977) theory, while the ALF was adapted from the ALF proposed by Chamot and O ’Malley (1994). The results of the study found that the use of functions include informing, categorizing, comparing, and synthesizing, which are presented in various patterns through the use of sentences and vocabularies. The authors diversify the presentation of the language register by using nominal sentences and verbal sentences. The authors also managed to choose the appropriate vocabulary in sentences to fit the particular context of academic function.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, N., Baharun, M. N. A. S., Ramli, Z. M., Rahman, A. W. A., & Zaman, A. B. bin S. (2022). The Use of Academic Language Functions in Arabic Articles of “Al-Majallah Al-Urduniyyah Fi Al-Ulum Al-Tarbawiyyah” Journal: A Register Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1482-1503
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