ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study covers the study of the Qur'an which emphasizes the grammatical aspects. Knowledge of grammar is a basic thing in learning Arabic. In grammar, there are special branches of knowledge, among them is the chapter of i'rab. The mastery of grammar, especially in the i‘rab section, can explain the meaning of a sentence in Arabic clearly and accurately. This study will explore the chapter of i‘rab especially in surah Ali ‘Imran. The main objective is to identify the Qur’anic verses in surah Ali ‘Imran that contain various i‘rab to prove that the differences belong to the category of diversity differences and not contradictory differences that distort the meaning of the Qur’anic verses. This study uses a fully qualitative method. Surah Ali ‘Imran was made into a study population involving 25 samples covering sentences, phrases and even words. The main instrument of the study is the book of Al-Quran followed by the book of tafsir of Al-Quran and hadith, Arabic book and dictionary. Next, the data were analyzed by collecting 25 samples containing various i‘rabs in surah Ali ‘Imran along with their meanings based on views and debates from grammar scholars.
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In-Text Citation: (Shapee & Abdullah, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Shapee, N. ‘Izzati B. M., & Abdullah, M. H. Bin. (2022). Implications of I‘Rab Differences on The Meaning of Quranic Verses in Surah Ali ‘Imran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 295–305.
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