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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Interpersonal Relationships and Psychological Well-Being of Individuals with Childhood Sexual Abuse History and Counsellor Roles

Quwwatun Hafizah Mohamad, Salina Nen, Nasrudin Subhi

Open access

Numerous studies demonstrate that adults who were sexually abused as children suffer from long-term psychological and social consequences. Without proper support and intervention, the effects may become increasingly chronic, affecting the victim's health for the remainder of his or her life. This study aimed to examine the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse on the interpersonal and psychological relationships of abuse victims. To investigate the phenomenon, this study employs the qualitative research method of case study. Two informants have volunteered to take part in this study. The informants were questioned using a method of semi-structured interviewing. The informants, both women in their 20s, were unmarried and have been victims of child sexual abuse by individuals they know. The collected data was then analysed using techniques of thematic analysis to extract themes from the interviews. According to the study's findings, childhood sexual abuse had long-term consequences for both participants. Participants reported that it was challenging to maintain a romantic relationship, that they feared intimacy, held negative views of marriage, and insecure in a relationship. Both informants mentioned depression, trauma, eating disorders, sleep disorders, suicidal thoughts, and psychosomatic symptoms in terms of psychological effects. Before providing appropriate interventions, counsellors must evaluate the victim's issues, the impact of sexual abuse on the present, and coping skills. To aid victims in their recovery, it is necessary to cultivate strong relationships, demonstrate compassion, and promote their empowerment.

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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, Q. H., Nen, S., & Subhi, N. (2022). Interpersonal Relationships and Psychological Well-Being of Individuals with Childhood Sexual Abuse History and Counsellor Roles. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1566 – 1575.