ISSN: 2222-6990
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Takaful agents play a crucial role as they significantly increase the penetration rate of the takaful industry in Malaysia. In exercising the function of Takaful agents, they must observe their role as following Al-Quran and as-sunnah and practicing the Islamic work ethics. Thus, the loyalty of Takaful agents to remain in the Takaful industry is required. This study will provide preliminary insights into the role of Islamic work ethics (IWE) toward the loyalty of takaful agents. To achieve the study’s objectives, the literature review has been executed. The study findings found that the Islamic work ethic has a significant effect on the intention of the employee to stay or leave the organization. Numerous studies also indicated that IWE is closely associated with job satisfaction. Consequently, this study provides preliminary insights into Takaful operators as the principal-agent. Takaful operators are strongly advised to give proper attention to the concept of Islamic work ethic to retain more Takaful agents in the industry. The study also has proposed a model as there is a need to empirically test the influence of IWE on the loyalty of takaful agents in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Ramly et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ramly, J., Zuki, M. F. M., & Kamis, N. S. (2022). Preliminary Insights on the Relationship of Islamic Work Ethics, Job Satisfaction and Loyalty of Takaful Agents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1516 – 1527.
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