ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aimed to investigate cyberbullying among hospital staff and its influence on mental health and professionalism. This study is a cross-sectional study using quantitative methods through the distribution of questionnaire forms. A total of 180 respondents were selected from among the staff from Pharmacy Department and Finance Department of the National University of Malaysia Hospital. This study utilized the Cyberbullying Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale (DASS). The mental health level of hospital staff is divided into three types of mental health namely stress, anxiety and depression. The study found that the correlation of cyberbullying and mental health levels was acceptable except for the stress levels of hospital staff. This indicates that there is a weak positive relationship between cyberbullying and depression (r = 0.258, k <0.01) and anarchy (r = 0.276, k <0.01). While simple linear regression has a significant influence on cyberbullying on the level of anecdote and depression of SME hospital staff is accepted. This can be demonstrated by looking at the R2 values for cyber bullying for depression (0.067) and anzieties (0.076), where for F depression (1, 12,720), k <0.05 and for F (1, 14.638), k <0.05. This study assists management and hospital staff in identifying cyberbullying and mental health levels of hospital staff and prevents hospital staff from engaging in cyberbullying symptoms.
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In-Text Citation: (Singam & Abdullah, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Singam, A. N. T., & Abdullah, N.-A. (2022). Cyber Bullying among Hospital Staff and its Influence on Mental Health and Professionalism. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1384 – 1401.
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