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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring the Nexus Between Knowledge-Oriented Leadership and Employees’ Innovative Behaviour in SMEs: The Moderating Role of Organisational Learning Culture

Nayel Al Hawamdeh

Open access

Recent research has focused on employees' innovative behaviour and the effects of various leadership styles in fostering innovation in organisations. However, little attention has been paid to examining the direct effect of knowledge-based leadership (KOL) on employee innovative behaviour (EIB). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical investigation into the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and employee innovative behaviour, as well as the moderating role of an organisational learning culture (OLC). Furthermore, this study proposes that an organisational learning culture is crucial to moderating the relationship between leaders and employees, whilst aiming to provide a better understanding of the importance of moderating the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and employees’ innovative behaviour. The responses of 289 employees in Jordanian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were collected from an online survey, and then the study’s data was analysed by using structural equation modelling. The findings deduced by the data ultimately demonstrated that knowledge-oriented leadership has a direct and positive effect on employee innovative behaviour in Jordanian SMEs. Also, the results confirm that an organizational learning culture moderated the influence of knowledge-oriented leadership on employee innovative behaviour. The findings provide fresh and deeper insights into the direct influence that knowledge-oriented leadership has on employees’ innovative behaviour in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

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In-Text Citation: (Al Hawamdeh, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Al Hawamdeh, N. (2022). Exploring the Nexus Between Knowledge-Oriented Leadership and Employees’ Innovative Behaviour in SMEs: The Moderating Role of Organisational Learning Culture. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 1746 – 1761.