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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Salient Features of the Critical Approach of al-Imam al-Tawudi’s Annotation (Al-Hashiyah) on the Explanation (sharh) of Al-Zurqani

Rafaa F Amragaa Anbeig, Ahmad Bin Che Yaacob, Nasrul Hisyam Bin Nor Muhamad, Kawthar Abdalla Mohammed Ahmed Bayoumi

Open access

The present study aims at to shed light on the jurisprudential critical thought of the sheikh of the (Maliki) school of law Talib Al-Tawudi (D. 1209AH) who is famous among Maliki scholars for his valuable writings, opinions and jurisprudential works. al-Imam has significant jurisprudential contributions and perhaps one of the most important books he wrote in this field is his magnum opus "?ali? al-amani lm?al? al-Zurqani ". It is an annotation (Al-Hashiyah) to the explanation of Imam Al-Zurqani (D: 1099 AH) on the summary (Mukhtasar) of the scholar Khalil (D. 767AH). In the annotation (Al-Hashiyah), he sought to present critical analysis, rectifying and correcting the errors and omissions that he came across in explanation (sharh) of al-Zurqani, of which no book is free, until Al-Hashiyah obtained a lofty position in the Maliki school of law. The reason for choosing it as a subject for this study has been to highlight the critical thought approach done by the imam on Al-Hashiyah, and what is the approach he followed in his critical appreciation. So, I set goals to achieve what I want, and to answer the questions asked. The study has been divided into two main parts. The first part answers the following questions: what is the concept of jurisprudential criticism, what are its fields and what types of it are? As for the second, it deals with the salient features of his approach in his criticism, rectifications, and corrections to an explanation of Al-Zurqani. In order to achieve these goals, the researcher will work on the descriptive and inductive analytical method to discuss and analyze the opinions and sayings, show the critical thought that distinguished Imam Al-Tawudi, and this will appear throughout the study, This study contributes to highlighting one of the most important Maliki books that adopted the criticism approach to benefit researchers in the field of jurisprudence, and students of Sharia sciences in general, as well as contributes to highlighting the criticism approach that was used in authentic heritage books to benefit those interested in this field in how to deal with jurisprudential texts, criticism and objection It has to be corrected from error according to disciplined methodological rules.

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In-Text Citation: (Anbeig et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Anbeig, R. F. A., Yaacob, A. B. C., Muhamad, N. H. B. N., & Bayoumi, K. A. M. A. (2022). Salient Features of the Critical Approach of al-Imam al-Tawudi’s Annotation (Al-Hashiyah) on the Explanation (sharh) of Al-Zurqani. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 1329 – 1342.