ISSN: 2222-6990
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Utilizing the descriptive-comparative-correlational designs, this study gathered information on the profile of CSOs, officers, and members as well challenges encountered in implementing the grants received from sponsors. The study revealed that the characteristics of the respondents and the CSOs were diverse, which can be a vital factor in successfully running the CSOs’ business enterprise. Some provisions in the CSOs’ Constitutions and By-Laws were marginally applied, which posed major challenges for the organizations, such as the inability to recover availed grants within the required period. Some determinants of the business management capability had to do with the type or area expertise of the CSOs and profile. The CSOs economic status in terms of income was poor. Indicators of CSOs profitability such as type of organization, municipality, grants received, years of establishment, and the number of members were considered vital in the flourishing of the CSOs enterprise before and after implementing the grants. The degree of implementation and economic status before and after the grants highly influenced the financial management strategies of the CSOs. Lastly, the CSOs faced diverse challenges, which were considered vital factors that influence the business performance of the CSOs in Mountain Province.
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In-Text Citation: (Cuyangoan, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Cuyangoan, J. D. (2022). Grants vs. Economic Status: The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Experience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 64–78.
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