ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Previous scholars posited Sustainability and Highest Best Use Approach (SHBU) having the ability to assist Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) land development towards improving settlers’ livelihood. However, there has been no empirical research done to demonstrate the suitability of the SHBU for optimizing the FELDA land development. This research aims to investigate the suitability of adopting the FELDA land development based on SHBU approach. This research utilised qualitative approach to obtain the feedback from the respondents at the study area which is FELDA Gunung Besout 03. Thus, the Focus Group Discussion has been conducted with the key informants. The findings show that generally, the SHBU approach is suitable for FELDA land development, particularly in Gunung Besout 03. Subsequently, it has the capability in identifying the shortfalls in the current land use activities as well as socio-economic constraints. Furthermore, the potential for using the SHBU approach was profiled and incorporated with some recommendations to ensure the best application. The paper provides good input to relevant parties to assist, particularly in the study area, in adopting the SHBU approach with some modifications in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Kamar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Kamar, M. A. A., Mokhtar, S., Rashid, M. F. A., Kamaruddin, S. M., Abdullah, S., & Ali, M. A. F. (2022). Profiling the Suitability of Sustainability and Highest Best Use Approach for FELDA Land Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 500 – 513.
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