ISSN: 2222-6990
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The world is rapidly changing into a more modern era with the availability of technology and according to the current generation’s needs. One of the main challenges in preserving culture is for the current generation to maintain the culture and tradition established in the community. The culture is crucially essential to any society in the works stipulated under SDG 11, which calls for efforts to protect the world’s culture and heritage. Thus, this paper aims to highlight the importance of protecting Malaysian batik by reviewing published articles that focused on design motifs and characteristics of Malaysian batik. This paper adopted systematic literature review analysis using PRISMA 2009 framework to identify Malaysian batik’s current design motifs and characteristics. Many of the identified scholars have attempted to produce and innovate new and contemporary batik design motifs for the Malaysian landscape. The outcome of this paper may help enlighten the relevant stakeholders such as the policymakers, industry players, researchers, and non-governmental organisations to research on this subject matter further. All stakeholders should work together to raise the profile of Malaysian batik on a global scale, which will lead to the protection and maximisation of benefits for future generations.
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In-Text Citation: (Wahed et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Wahed, W. J. E., Amin, H., Bohari, A. A. M., Pindah, C., & Azmi, S. (2022). Malaysian Batik, Our Pride: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 942 – 955.
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