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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Work Burnout: Unbalanced Job Demands and Job Resources?

Thahira Bibi TKM Thangal, Nani Ilyana Shafie, Nurhazirah Mohamad Yunos, Mohd Halimi Ab Hamid, Norbaiti Sidik, Hairul Amiza Azman

Open access

The emerging need of job demands and uncommon downfall of job resources leading to the work burnout. The urgency of sustaining the job driven by the factor of insecurity of losing the job and not being able to maintain the income. Obviously, work burnout developed by the associating issues related to job demands and job resources. Therefore, this study aims to identify on how job demands and job resources causing work burnout. This study focusing on Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) by Kristensen, Borrits, Villadsen and Christensen (2005). Personal burnout, work related burnout and colleague related burnout were the main indicators in classifying the term of work burn out. 100 respondents from higher institution in Malaysia participated in this study. Quantitative methods were chosen to analyse the demographic and the descriptive analysis. The questionnaire entails of 4 sections, a) demographic profile, b) personal burnout, c) work related burnout and d) colleague related burnout. This study manages to explore the intensity of job demands and job resources related with the work burnout. The findings presented the work burnout affected by the job demands and job resources. In future investigations, it might be possible to correlate work burnout with job performance. A further study with more focus work management on job demands and job resources are therefore suggested. The confusion between job demands and personal needs will lead to poor working management and this is obviously indicates the unbalanced of job demands and job resources.

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In-Text Citation: (Thangal et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Thangal, T. B. T., Shafie, N. I., Yunos, N. M., Hamid, M. H. A., Sidik, N., & Azman, H. A. (2022). Work Burnout: Unbalanced Job Demands and Job Resources? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1386 – 1397.