ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The unprecedented effects of COVID-19 have been felt in nearly every industry and country around the globe, but the outbreak's severity varies across nations and sectors. This includes the population of female entrepreneurs who own small businesses. Despite numerous financial assistance available to assist women entrepreneurs, it remains a difficult phase for them to re-establish operations, given the embedded problems and challenges they face throughout the process. On top of that, the survival rate of the women-related business is also unsatisfactory due to several business internal factors. Therefore, this study will explore the use of the Resource-Based View theory in achieving business sustainability among women microbusiness entrepreneurs. It is a subject of interest as the RBV theory asserts that the key to enhancing business performance is by exploiting the business’s internal characteristics. The RBV framework recommended the management focus on the firm’s internal resources in developing the potential to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage. The RBV brings the idea for a firm to properly identify the firm resources, that are subject to be exploited as strategies for development, which in turn help to improve the firm’s efficiency and effectiveness. The discussion will be constructed following three attributes of firm resources suggested by the RBV framework, which consists of physical capital resources, human capital resources and organisational capital resources. This paper clarifies the concepts of each attribute and demonstrates the framework’s relevance in promoting business sustainability among women microbusiness entrepreneurs.
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In-Text Citation: (Adam et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Adam, A., Abdullah, W. R. W., Maruhun, E. N. S., Anwar, I. S. K., & Salin, A. S. A. P. (2022). The Resource-Based View Theory and Women Microbusiness Entrepreneurs: A Contribution to Business Sustainability. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2915 – 2932.
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