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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Correlation Between Educator's Understanding and Applying of Role Play Activities for Preschooler’s Development

Xi Chun Huang, Chee Luen Loy

Open access

The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between educators' understanding of role play activities for preschooler's language, social, and emotion development. This study employs a quantitative method design and the population of the study is 352 educators who teach preschoolers aged from five to six years old in kindergartens in Chaozhou, China. The sample was chosen through stratified random sampling and the instruments of this study are Role Play Activity and Preschooler's Development Rating Scale. The findings revealed a positive relationship between educators' understanding of role play activities and applying role play activities for preschoolers' language, social, and emotion development. The findings also show that, while educators recognize role play activities are beneficial to early childhood development, the level of use is still low. To facilitate preschoolers' development, the following educational suggestions are put forward at the end of the study: in practical teaching activities, kindergarten educators should focus on optimizing role play activities teaching methods, establishing performance cognition, and allowing children to exercise language skills fully in activities. Educators should focus on optimizing the teaching methods of role play activities, establishing behavioral cognition, and allowing preschoolers to exercise language skills. Educators should use various game materials to cultivate preschoolers' social behaviors with their peers, intervene subtly in preschool children's games, and promote their social development. Qualitative research and interview data are recommended in future research, adding more dimensions for a deeper understanding of the research and more accurate data.

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In-Text Citation: (Huang & Loy, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Huang, X. C, & Loy, C. L. (2022). Correlation Between Educator’s Understanding and Applying of Role Play Activities for Preschooler’s Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2803 – 2824.