ISSN: 2222-6990
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The advancement of information technology that is evolving from time to time has caused various parties to use the technology to take advantage of it due to fast and quick receipt of information. Several studies have suggested the fatwa institutions to use the development of technology as a medium for the dissemination of fatwas. This is because, one of the roles of the fatwa institution is to disseminate information to develop the community's knowledge related to religion. Therefore, this study aims to identify the methods that have been used in the Office of the Federal Territory Mufti (PMWP) in disseminating fatwas through social media. Moreover, PMWP is one of the fatwa institutions that have used the development of information technology. This study uses a qualitative approach by using documentation data collection methods. Meanwhile, for data analysis, content analysis method was used. Data analysis found that this study involved only three categories out of four categories of social media forms, namely communication model, collaboration model and sharing model. This is because, the involvement of social media used by PMWP in disseminating its fatwa has involved only that category. Therefore, this study has provided exposure to the community on the methods of disseminating PMWP fatwas in fatwa institutions in Malaysia from the point of view of social media. This study is also expected to provide implications for the efforts and improvements to other fatwa institutions in Malaysia in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Nazman & Khairuldin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nazman, S. M., & Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W. (2022). Mufti’s Office of Federal Territory and its Contribution in the Dissemination of Fatwas Through Social Media. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1077 – 1084.
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