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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Fostering Entrepreneurship in Kenya: The Role of Association

Ngoze M. L.

Open access

This paper presents some empirical findings on fostering entrepreneurship through association, Sambut Self Help Group (SSHG) in Uasin Gishu in Kenya. Using a sample of fifty (n=50), the paper specifically hypothesizes, entrepreneurship among members of SSHG involves achievement need, autonomy, innovativeness, propensity for risk, locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity and confidence; association such as SSHG promote entrepreneurship among its members; and associations such as SSHG are only organizations which promote entrepreneurship. A regression analysis between the entrepreneurship promotion and seven characteristics of entrepreneurship is then carried out to statistically test the correlation. The results attributed to this study denote that entrepreneurship involves attributes such as achievement need, autonomy, innovativeness, propensity for risk, locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity and confidence); associations such as SSHG is to promote entrepreneurship among its members; and apart from associations such as SSHG, other groups foster entrepreneurship. Finally, the paper concludes by recommending that small associations should be given both financial and technical support to cater for their members effectively.