ISSN: 2222-6990
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There is growing interest in knowledge transfer between higher education institutions (HEIs) and industry by policymakers at all levels of government, from regional to international, which has resulted in a range of initiatives. Failure to embrace the culture of proper knowledge transfer is a major obstacle student development, particularly due to inadequate levels of tax awareness in the handling of tax matters. The outcome has been that of social and economic instability in the country. Given this environment, in-depth knowledge of tax management is a must today's economic growth. Enhancing community through competitive and sustainable economy is listed as first thrust area of rural development in Malaysia. The government is seriously concern on this issue in the education planning towards achieving sustainable communities.. It is therefore important to understand how the awareness on taxation among accounting students facilitate the industry player (IRBM) to empower a sustainable, competitive and prosperous communities. Knowledge-transfer between industry and university in exposing the roles of IRBM to university accounting students is highly referred in understanding tax responsibility, yet the inclusion of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude and behaviour relatively none. Exploratory sequential quantitative method research design will be employed, which include questionnaire that is expected to serve as a tool to significantly expose the accounting students to the roles of IRBM. The effectiveness of knowledge-transfer between industry and university towards tax awareness to accounting students underpins sustainable decision making, which has a significant impact towards supporting Malaysia to become a developed country by 2025 and high income nation
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In-Text Citation: (Bakar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, S. A. N. A., Tanggamani, V. A., Sapari, A., & Thani, A. M. (2022). Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness of Industry-University Alliances: Tax Awareness vs Accounting Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1551 – 1556.
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