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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Strategies Use in Chinese Language Learning among Non-Native Chinese Language Learners in Malaysia

Sian Hoon Teoh, Buai Chin Heng, Yee Feng Neo, Jie Yan Chan, Julia Yin Yin Tan

Open access

This study focused on the use of learning strategies in Chinese-as-a-second-language acquisition among former Chinese National Type School (SJKC) non-native Chinese language (CL) learners. The strategies use was observed in terms of their process of learning and language used, namely language learning strategies (LLS) and language used strategies (LUS). Both LLS and LUS were further investigated for vocabulary, reading, and writing (namely VS, RS, and WS). A questionnaire adapted from Cohen, Oxford, and Chi’s (2002) Language Strategy Use Inventory was applied to 79 former SJKC non-native CL learners in order to collect data on their favourite learning strategies. With regard to the quantitative data analysis, descriptive statistics, a series of t-tests, ANOVA, and correlational analyses were used. Findings of this study indicated that the participants put more effort in writing. Findings also showed that there was a higher rate of LUS among high proficiency CL learners. It was also revealed in this study that there was a significant relationship between vocabulary strategy (VS), reading strategy (RS) and writing strategy (WS), and that WS is highly dependable on their RS and VS. Consequently, students need to strengthen their RS and VS specifically, in order to better perform WS, which leads to a higher level of language proficiency.

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In-Text Citation: (Teoh et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Teoh, S. H., Heng, B. C., Neo, Y. F., Chan, J. Y., & Tan, J. Y. Y. (2022). Strategies Use in Chinese Language Learning among Non-Native Chinese Language Learners in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2985 – 3005.