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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Students’ Perceptions in Using YouTube to Improve Their Speaking Skill: A Cross-National Study of Malaysia and Indonesia

Zulaikha Zulkflee, Nadhirah Nor Azmi, Syarifah Syarina Sheikh Kamaruzaman, Jashwaniee Prakas, Syahwil Saputra, Mahendran Maniam

Open access

Moving into the post-pandemic phase, there is currently a rise in the incorporation of digital tools in teaching and learning particularly in regards to ESL. This most likely is due to the fact that overnight, the global crisis had caused both educators and students to rely heavily on technology and digital tools for teaching and learning. This cross-sectional study explores students’ perceptions in using YouTube to improve their speaking skill in Malaysia and Indonesia. Quantitative research instrument was utilized in the form of 5-point Likert scale survey questionnaire that was adapted from past research. The questionnaire was distributed to 50 Malaysians and 50 Indonesians at secondary levels to get the answer to three research questions; 1) What are the English language learners’ perceptions on YouTube use in English language learning? 2) What are the English language learners’ perceptions on the role of YouTube in English speaking skills improvement? And 3) To what extent do the perceptions of Malaysian and Indonesian students vary on the use of YouTube in improving speaking skills? The data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 27 as well as descriptive analysis of the mean and standard deviation. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted to obtain in-depth feedback from ten students among the respondents. The findings suggest that although the students’ perceptions of using YouTube videos in English language learning are highly positive, they are generally unsure if YouTube is able to improve speaking skills. Apart from that, the findings also indicates that the roles of YouTube in improving speaking skills for both nationalities were almost identical at that stage because p > 0.05 which is 0.712. It can be concluded that there is no difference of perceptions on the use of YouTube to improve speaking skills among Malaysian and Indonesian secondary school students.

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In-Text Citation: (Zulkflee et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zulkflee, Z., Azmi, N. N., Kamaruzaman, S. S. S., Prakas, J., Saputra, S., & Maniam, M. (2022). Students’ Perceptions in Using YouTube to Improve Their Speaking Skill: A Cross-National Study of Malaysia and Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 3240 – 3260.