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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Determinants of Customer Service Experience among Academic Personnel in Malaysian Public Universities

Mazlina Mamat, Farahiyah Akmal Mat Nawi, Mariam Setapa, Nur Haslina Ramli, Julaina Baistaman

Open access

In Malaysian public universities, managing customer service experiences has emerged as a critical concern among university policymakers. Every stakeholder in universities is now viewed as a potential source of revenue, including every student as a customer and every member of staff as an internal customer. The Academic Affairs Department (AAD) is a cornerstone of the university. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the AAD to satisfy the requirements of its customers, particularly its internal customers which is the university's academic personnel. Academic personnel service experience is directly correlated with student happiness and university success. Therefore, it is vital to comprehend the aspects that affect the service experience of academic personnel. Hence, the main objective of this study is to examine the influence of perceived market orientation and self-efficacy on academic staff members’ customer service in Malaysian public universities. According to the study paradigm, perceived market orientation and self-efficacy significantly impact how well customers are treated. The study made use of the survey method and quantitative research. A self-administered questionnaire was created to collect data from the academic staff of 454 Malaysian public universities. In this investigation, proportionate stratified random sampling was used. Findings from Partial Least Square 4.0 revealed significant correlations between perceived market orientation, self-efficacy, and customer service experience. Overall, this study supported the need to emphasize perceived market orientation and self-efficacy while managing the customer service experience of academic personnel in public universities.

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In-Text Citation: (Mamat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mamat, M., Nawi, F. A. M., Setapa, M., Ramli, N. H., & Baistaman, J. (2022). Determinants of Customer Service Experience among Academic Personnel in Malaysian Public Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 3043 – 3054.