ISSN: 2222-6990
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Introduction: Anxiety and depression are widespread among cancer patients, and they have a negative impact on their health-related quality of life. MBSR has been used to treat psychological problems in a variety of chronic conditions, including cancer, for many years. It has been utilized clinically all around the world. In Malaysia, MBSR has been evaluated on medical doctors, nurses, and medical students, but not on disease patients, particularly cancer patients. Objective: This study looked at the effects of a five-week MBSR intervention on a group of cancer patients in Penang, Malaysia. Methodology: A purposive convenient sampling was used and upon consented, we manage to recruit 55 cancer patients for this study. To increase the number of participants, we choose patients regardless of their diagnosis types, stage, and duration of cancer. The patients were randomly assigned to the MBSR intervention group or the Waitlist group: The Intervention group was given a five-week MBSR intervention in addition to their regular check-up. The Wait-list group, on the other hand, was required to undergo regular medical examinations. Both groups had their HADS and EORTQLC-C30 pre and post intervention data gathered. Result: The intervention group had 22 patients, while the wait-list group had 16. The MBSR Intervention Group had reduced levels of anxiety and depression, while the wait list had greater levels of both. (p<0.05). The EORTQLC-C30 finding, however, was inconclusive. Conclusion: These findings support the use of the MBSR programme for cancer patients with anxiety and depression. However, EORTQLC-C30 requires further elaboration on the sub-domain of the result.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman & Kar, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Othman, C. N., & Kar, P. C. (2022). Effects of a Five Weeks of MBSR Program on HADS and EORTQLC-C30 among Cancer Patients in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2234 – 2243.
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