ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Social media is now the primary form of communication among tourists and has soared in popularity, which has directly impacted the spread of the phenomenon of viral content marketing. Viral social media content and information functions as a great source of information for tourists as it provides greater reach accessibility and exposure that offline marketing cannot achieve. However, little attention has been given by tourism scholars in assessing the level of trust in social media information and tourists’ satisfaction after visiting viral attractions. This study examines the mediation effect of satisfaction on the relationship between social media information trust and behavioural intention in viral cafés in Ipoh, Perak. The data was obtained from 385 tourists who visited viral cafes in Ipoh and analysed using the SEM-PLS approach. The finding indicates that satisfaction mediates the relationship between social media information trust and behavioural intention. Importantly, social media information trust has a significant relationship with tourists’ behavioural intention with the presence of satisfaction. The study results suggested that destination managers and marketers need to be creative in establishing trustable social media information as trust serves as a highly important aspect in influencing tourists’ behavioural intention and future decision-making.
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In-Text Citation: (Hong et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hong, X., Nadzari, N. A., & Anuar, F. I. (2022). Tourists’ Trust of Social Media Information and Behavioural Intention in Viral Cafes: Mediating Effect of Satisfaction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 803 – 817.
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