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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Review on the Elements of Restaurant Physical Environment towards Customer Satisfaction

Haslina Che Ngah, Nur Fatin Mohd Rosli, Muhammad Harraz Mohammad Lotpi, Azlina Samsudin, Jazira Anuar

Open access

The physical environment of a restaurant is vital in building its image and attracting customers to visit and dine in. Attractive exterior and interior designs will entice the customers to visit the establishment and enjoy services provided. The purpose of this study is to identify atmospheric elements and figure out the most influential element of the restaurant physical environment towards customer satisfaction. Previous studies' literature can help fill a gap between research titles and existing studies. Most of the journals and articles are from reliable and trusted sources with sufficient information provided. Technological advancement has led to the vast amounts of data that have been collected, compiled, and archived, which are now easily accessible for research. As a result, utilising the existing data for research has become more prevalent, therefore, secondary-data analysis has been used in this study. The findings and analyses explore the environment of restaurants and the use of physical environment by restaurateurs through customers' reactions. The dimensions of facility aesthetic, ambience, lighting, layout, and table setting have been measured through customer satisfaction. It is found that lighting is the element that mostly and significantly influences customer satisfaction. Thus, restaurant operators should consider providing good lighting in their restaurants in order to gain their customers’ satisfaction while they dine in and attract other potential customers to choose the respective restaurants as places for eating and socialising.

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In-Text Citation: (Ngah et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ngah, H. C., Rosli, N. F. M., Lotpi, M. H. M., Samsudin, A., & Anuar, J. (2022). A Review on the Elements of Restaurant Physical Environment towards Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 818 – 828.