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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Socioeconomics Status among Pahang Resident’s Perspectives on Fake News During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Wan Nur Ainna Waheda binti Rozali, Wan Hashridz Rizal bin Wan Abu Bakar, Nur Aulia Fahada binti Misaridin, Raja Nurul Hafizah binti Raja Ismail

Open access

A fresh coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in January 2020 and spread over the world as a pandemic in March 2020. People all throughout the world have been influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic in a number of ways, including spread and received a news. Objective of this research to determine the socioeconomic status involve of level of education, type of occupation and salary of Pahang residents' perspectives on fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was conducted with 130 respondents from the state of Pahang. Additionally, the study was done online. According to the level of education, altruism factor was found higher than other factors in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ Sijil Pelajaran Tinggi Malaysia (STPM), Diploma, Degree, and Master levels of education (M=3.27, M =3.49, M =3.64, M =3.50). The factor of instant news sharing, however, was higher than other factors at others level of education (M = 4.00). Altruism factor was higher in all occupations than other variables, including student, government servant, private sector, housewife, self-employed, and others (M =3.50, M =3.45, M =3.79, M =3.50, M = 3.08, M = 3.93). Factor of instant news sharing, altruism, and socialisation all had the same mean (M=4.80) among retirees. In comparison to other factors, the results for the salary category of less than RM2,500, RM2,501-RM4,850, and RM4,851-RM10,970 had a high altruism factor (M=3.51, M=3.52, M=3.43). However, the characteristics of self-promotion, socialisation, amusement, and fake news sharing were higher than instant news sharing for salary categories of RM10,971 and above (M=5.00).

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In-Text Citation: (Rozali et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rozali, W. N. A. W. binti, Bakar, W. H. R. bin W. A., Misaridin, N. A. F. binti, & Ismail, R. N. H. binti R. (2023). Socioeconomics Status among Pahang Resident’s Perspectives on Fake News During the Covid 19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(1), 1370 – 1377.