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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Using Digital Storytelling in Speaking Activities for Low-Proficiency Tertiary Students

Nur Fatin Nabila Abd Rahman, Juritah Misman, Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Shaharudin, Aqilah Arshad

Open access

Digital storytelling (DST) could be used as one of the contemporary learning resources for students to increase their participation in the learning of speaking skills. It could also help to broaden students’ perspectives towards their potential to become good communicators. Thus, this study aims to (1) examine the use of digital storytelling in the e-Poster Presentation assessment in the learning of English at the preparatory level for diploma studies, and (2) investigate students' perceptions towards this learning approach. About twenty-seven Pre- diploma students at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) participated in the study. These students who had a low-proficiency level in the English language, have used the digital storytelling platform to create e-Poster Presentations for their speaking tasks. For data analysis, written entries and short journal entries were analysed to gain insights into students' perceptions of engaging with DST in their e-Poster Presentation projects. Findings showed that the approach of creating digital storytelling videos and conducting e-Poster presentations has helped to improve their speaking performance. It could be said that the students had favourable opinions towards the digital storytelling approach. Consequently, digital storytelling could be utilised to diversify instructional approaches. DST would be a beneficial tool in encouraging low-proficiency students, especially in higher learning institutions, in enhancing their speaking performances in English language classrooms.

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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, N. F. N. A., Misman, J., Shaharudin, M. I. M., & Arshad, A. (2022). Using Digital Storytelling in Speaking Activities for Low-Proficiency Tertiary Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1518 – 1527.