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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

ESL Learners’ Perception on Twitter, Online Forum, and Blog for Collaborative Learning

Aqilah binti Arshad, Siti Zuraina binti Gafar @ Abd Ghaffar, Amirah binti Mohd Juned, Asma’ binti Fauzi

Open access

Social Media sites can be used by learners, as a platform for information gathering and interaction during collaborative learning activities. However, there is little research on tertiary learners’ experience in using social media for collaborative learning. Positive experiences while using social media applications may contribute to better learning outcomes. Thus, this study aims to investigate ESL learners’ experience and perception of using Twitter, online forum, and blog for collaborative learning. The study employs a quantitative data collection method involving seventy-seven ESL learners from an intact class at a public university. An online questionnaire survey was used to gather the learners’ experiences and perceptions. It referred to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) regarding its perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Overall, the results showed learners had a positive experience while using the three social media platforms. Blog was also considered the most useful and easy to use for collaborative learning. More insights and information for the implementation of collaborative learning while using social media can promote active learning that fits the current generation in live with the demand for the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

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In-Text Citation: (Arshad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Arshad, A. binti, Ghaffar, S. Z. binti G. @ A., Juned, A. binti M., & Fauzi, A. binti. (2022). ESL Learners’ Perception on Twitter, Online Forum, and Blog for Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1528 – 1540.