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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Influence of Leadership on Job Performance among Employees of Selected Government Secondary Schools in Lagos Nigeria

Alice Omoefe Ajobi, Royal Owunna

Open access

This study examines the influence of leadership on job performance among employees of selected government secondary schools in Lagos Nigeria. The study is a quantitative research which employed the stratified sampling technique, this criterion suits the present study because the employees in this study are already in sub-groups within stratified respectively. The participants selected for sampling were heterogeneous and stratified sampling ensured equal opportunity of the participants. with sample size of 108 employees for the study. Data were collected using online google form and were analyzed using statistical tool (SPSS 25.0). Pearson Chi-square test of independence and Multiple Regression were used to analyze the data. Findings of the descriptive analysis revealed that, the level of job performance and leadership were good. However, the level of job satisfaction was moderate. The study recommended amongst other, that in other to minimize the limitation of self-reporting data, further study is required to adopt a qualitative research technique, future researches should include other state holders such other agency as respondents.

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In-Text Citation: (Ajobi & Owunna, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ajobi, A. O., & Owunna, R. (2022). Influence of Leadership on Job Performance among Employees of Selected Government Secondary Schools in Lagos Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1762 – 1771.